Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Favorites

Friday's are my favorite day of the week! It's the beginning of the weekends filled with endless fun.

This post is one of my favorites to write. It allows me to capture all the neat and interesting things from this past week, and collect it all into one post. From videos, to photos, to just things in general, it can all be put into one list.

Throughout this week, I have marked the things that I have planned to share and I think you'll enjoy them!

Favorite Laugh: Dark Horse


Favorite Ice Bucket Challenges: Boston Athlete Style

Raising awareness for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

Favorite Quote:

Favorite Outfit: Summer Look

Favorite Book: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Favorite Drink: Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks

Enjoy your weekend!

XO- Amanda

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback Thursday "Back in the day"

Everyone knows that 'Throwback Thursday' has been nothing but baby photos, and pictures from the weekend before. Is that honestly a throwback?

Before social media even was popular, there were actual things that are considered to be ancient for my generation. The hasn't been that long since these things have been around, but because of today's society and technology, it feels like ages ago since we have seen these things!

These photos below describe my childhood and it seems so long ago since we have all seen them.

All photos were found from Pinterest, enjoy the nostalgia! 

These floppy disks are being used creatively as coasters, but in reality these were as important back then as if they were our flash drives today. 

I remember having the shoe salesman size me with this. It is crazy to think that people actually helped you try on shoes not too long ago, and cared that the size would be right.

Play-Doh was the best invention, in my opinion. It was so much fun to play with.

When gas was actually affordable. This is a little drastic, but this was a LONG time ago and is crazy to think how far prices of come over the course of years.

TVs that had a back to it.....this is ancient, almost like Dinosaurs! Not quite, but these were the best things in grade school, when teachers would pop in a VHS in the VCR and play a movie.

My family shared a desktop computer in our house when I were growing up and this was always what my mom would say to my older sister after an hour of not being able to use Internet to make phone calls!

I don't even think these made past middle school classrooms... maybe the ones that were a little more high tech and were bolted to the walls, but these were on teacher's desks when I remember them. Who uses pencils anymore?

These were always the make or break of the day. When you would receive this kind of note in class or passing in the hallway. Cut the bull****, and give a straight answer. People don't do this anymore, when life was this easy.

Friday nights, you would see me at Blockbuster with a friend and one of my parents, taking at least 45 minutes to pick a movie, most likely a romantic comedy, and if we were lucky, we also got to choose one piece of candy at check-out.

These things though, don't make someone "retro," just because you lived life while these things were used or popular. It just means you lived through what is now not in today's society. 

My own personal throwback to when I was 5 and loving life!

Take a moment to think of all the things that you once relied on that now don't even exsist. How about the things that children now don't even know about....Think about that!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wardrobe Wednesday Fall 2014 Trends

It's that time of year, for me, its the the last time I can get away with, "Mom, I need new clothes to start school with." Bummer, but It's life and everything comes to an end.

I'm sure if you've been in a store lately, you've noticed that slowly, fall clothes are showing up on table displays and fixtures. This is happening. Summer is officially over. Soon enough, we will all start to hear the non-stop Christmas music playing. I think we can all wait a little longer for that though, it's still August!

Time to pack away your summer tanks and shorts, and start thinking about your fall essentials. This is nuts, considering it's 80 degrees today, but this is the way the fashion world works, always one step ahead!

Here are some must-haves for Fall 2014!

I don't think sneakers like these were ever caught walking down a runway, especially this one, which was Chanel's Fall 2014 line... shocking, yet comforting. I can't complain that the "IT" shoes are sneakers. It could be worse!

Trapeze Bag:
Now, of course you're thinking that we can't ALL afford the Celine trapeze bag, but they're plenty of designers "mocking" the style, which is very popular for fall and comes in a variety of colors and textures.

Sixties Retro:
There always seems to be one decade that each season, sneaks its way into the trends list. This season's is the sixties retro style. We've seen this before. Of course, these runway looks aren't the everyday outfit, but modifying sixties inspired is not difficult. A cool retro patterned dress or blouse in a pastel shade and you've got yourself a go-go look.

Blanket Coat:
I personally this this trend is pretty innovative. We have seen the poncho, the long cardigans, but never a "blanket coat," which is what this trend is being called. It is a coat that is just so not structured, it's like a blanket. I think I would fall asleep if I was sitting in class with this on, that's just me though.

Knit Sweaters:
I'm loving this trend. Big knit sweaters as dresses or tops is exactly what fall should look like in my eyes. This is a great way to get warm for those cold days in November. Also, a great way to layer, by adding a shirt underneath, giving you the option to take off the heavy sweater.

Faux Fur:
Fur seems to be in and out of seasons too. Faux fur is pretty popular in the cold months of fall. You can see anything from a coat, to a vest, to piping on a shirt. It comes in many ways, colors, styles, you name it. It's sort of that mark on cold weather, so make sure you are wearing it appropriately in the right months!

Over-the-knee Boots:
Over-the-knee boots are being mixed here with the other trend, the knit sweater dress, which I think is adorable together! Depending on the weather of course, these boots can really keep you warm and are just as cute as booties.

Leather Bomber Jacket:
These leather bomber jackets are great statement pieces that can really turn a whole look into a different style. It's a great jacket to wear in the fall on those cooler days right before winter comes. Throw it on with a light sweater and cute pants and flats, and your look will be ten times better than with any other light jacket.

Hope you're ready for fall!

XO- Amanda

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Treats Tuesday at Panera

Oh the beauty of food. We have a love, hate relationship, but I secretly love it.... I enjoy eating out and dining, bringing in some take-out, you name it, I'm there. There are those places a lot of us know exactly what we love and order it every time, no question.

For my Panera lovers out there, I just got hooked on the new flatbread sandwich called the Southwestern Chicken Flatbread Sandwich. It is sincerely delicious and I cannot stop ordering it!

I highly recommend the flatbread sandwiches ,but for starters, try this one!


All-natural, antibiotic-free chicken, black bean hummus, feta, southwest corn blend, napa cabbage blend and cilantro with BBQ ranch dressing on freshly baked flatbread.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mashup Monday Country Style

Today felt a little bit country. It's summer, beautiful out, and driving with the windows down is the only option as you sing along to some country.

This week's playlist mashup is dedicated to those country artists who are on the top of the charts this week in the music biz.  

Next week's mashup won't be so country, so make sure to download these top country songs now so you can sing along when you hear them in the car!

Top 10:

Dirt - Florida Georgia Line
Beachin' - Jake Owen

Burnin' It Down - Jason Aldean

I Don't Dance - Lee Brice

Who I Am With You - Chris Young

Where It's At - Dustin Lynch

Rollar Coaster - Luke Bryan   

We Are Tonight - Billy Currington

River Bank - Brad Paisly

          Sunshine & Whiskey - Frankie Ballard

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Funday

Haven't posted in a while, so why not start with a Sunday Funday:)

I love Sunday's because it's when most people relax, spend time with their families, and prepare for the week to come but not worry too much, because it is still the weekend!

Here's some of my Sunday Funday's, enjoy!

Visit some furry friends:

Bear Mountain, New York

Brunch it with the fam:

Cornwall, New York

Buy some local foods:

Warwick, New York

Catch up on some good movies:

Make some yummy frozen margaritas:

Go for a walk or a hike:

Ramapo Park, New Jersey

Don't let a Sunday get you down!

Enjoy your start of a great week and start planning the weekend to come.

XO Amanda

Friday, May 16, 2014

A deadly combo: working at J.Crew and being a shopaholic

You know it's a problem when you just finished up three overnight shifts for a new rollout and your back to the store a day later to shop the new merchandise. 

Rollout: A slang term for the introduction of a new product; a rollout often refers to a significant product release, often accompanied by a strong marketing campaign to generate a large amount of consumer hype. (

Working at J.Crew that past four years has been a great experience for me. I have learned more things working retail than anything I have learned so far in college as a fashion student. You just can't compare what you learn in a classroom environment to the real life situations. 

Thankfully, I only work in the factory store (outlet), therefore the prices are a tad less expensive than the retail stores. Plus, I get a pretty good discount on everything, including retail and their sister store, Madewell. You can see where this is all leading to.... feeding my addiction as a shopaholic.

This includes the fabulous pants that my dearest mother bought me today for when I start my internship in NYC! For more info on that, follow my other blog: The Intern on 11 Ave. 

I knew I needed nice pants to wear in an office environment, but they are all so boring. Khakis, black pants, and slacks are like death words to me because as a fashion major, we do not wear these for any other reason unless you are going on a job interview, and even that is difficult to accept. 

When I saw these I flipped over them and needed to get them just for the sake that they are still work appropriate, but are fashionable and give off a summer feel. Along with the pants, I also purchased a great summer necklace that will only be worn every day considering it can go with everything and anything.

Here are my purchases of the day:

The pattern is just great, don't you think?

Factory Printed Skimmer Pant retailed at $74.50
Imperial Blue

Pattern: Imperial Blue

Factory Butterfly Petal Necklace retailed at $49.50
Light Citron


You can understand now my daily struggle of working with clothes and accessories first hand. I love my job though. I have great bosses, fun co-workers, and an enjoyable position as a merchandiser.

Actions speak louder than words

Remember when you were a kid, and the adults would always say, "Treat people the way you want to be treated!" I think they were on to something. That saying is not followed by most, which says a lot about a person.

People are so in-tuned with themselves that they don't realize the things they do actually effects others around them. Its troubling to be in a situation when you know your doing the right thing and the other person is just completely out of line.

Relationships are hard. They are hard work every single day. The relationships that aren't worked on, are the ones that disappear faster than quick sand. Think about all the different relationships in your life... which ones are the ones that actually mean something to you? Do you talk to that person everyday? How often do you see them? These are key aspects to keeping great relationships with people. Now i'm not just referring to friendships, this also goes hand and hand with intimate relationships.

Having that special person in your life is what every person would like. The person to text all day long, make dinner plans with, book vacations with, share your life with, is the ultimate point of a great relationship. This is all nice until those day to day activities become routine, those planned out moments turn into a job, and no one can agree on if they should eat out to do take out. These things are what turns a great relationship into a rut. Something about the label of relationship does change how things work; the way one must speak, act, dress, etc. all change.

Although some people might agree that by having that special person in your life, really completes you...the truth is, if you don't feel completed without anyone, who are you really? Do you not feel comfortable in your own skin without someone else in your life than just your family and friends? This ties into the saying "actions speak louder than words."

I am a true believer of this and i'll tell you why. Words are great. They can be put into poems, and novels, and really anything you need in order to know what something is or means... but they are just words. Anyone can say words, put them together, create a lie out of them, tell it like it is. But actions, those are personal. You can argue that yes, a person can "fake" an action, but most people aren't aware of every action they make, whereas words are usually thought of before spoken.

Actions do speak louder than words in my opinion and I will stand by this forever. Your words might mean one thing but its what you do that is truly what you mean.

People can choose how they treat others, even if it's not how they would want to be treated. They have that ability to make others feel a certain way. That being said, those who do choose to make others feel special are the gems of the world. I'm sure there are plenty of gems out there, but for some reason, the pebbles are what are more noticeable.

Genuine people are those who are looked pasted at as the compatible ones. They are too safe, too reliable, not a chase, you know, all the things people should want, but don't.

It's funny, you don't realize these things until you are forced to. Those gems are good gems that should be considered before the million pebbles out there. Sometimes it's not right away, but you know what the best thing is, you just are waiting to see if that's what you need.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lifestyle and all

Fashion, nutrition, college, relationships, and life's topics are what is to come on Rae Says All. Now I know many people write blogs, thinking they are the experts in whatever they are writing about, but that's not me. I don't think I'm an expertise in any of these, I just love writing and sharing, what's not a better combination?

I am excited to start blogging about my summer home from college and all the things that are to come! Related topics are a goal of mine that I want to share. As much as people like to brag about the newest item they bought, I would only share if I truly believed it would be beneficial for others to enjoy as well.

Some warnings you may want to be aware of before committing to following my blog: 
1. A lot of photos taken by yours truly
2. Shared stories about "Amanda Moments" (you will understand once one is shared)
3. Anything and everything about DOGS
4. Summer fun

Hope you can manage those and get excited for what's to come on Rae Says All!